I have an update to this post. It's taken me a few days to feel like talking about it. I'm just that stinkin' sensitive and it makes me so sad. The 2 little brother kitties didn't survive. I went to the vet to visit one day and they gave me such somber looks. It really bummed them out too. One made it a couple of days, and the other a few more than that. I feel like marching door to door and preaching the importance of spaying and neutering your pets. There are places in a big city like this (and even small ones) that will spay / neuter for nothing or next to it. There's no excuse.
It gets better. Tonight we get home from a road trip and as Chris is making the rounds with Mavis in the back yard, he finds 2 more kittens. I didn't take pictures this time, it makes me too sad when they don't make it. I saw the same mother cat in the yard, and I'm pretty sure they are the same litter. These were on the other side of the pampas grass in yet another possum den. They are of course 2 weeks older than the others, and beginning to have personalities. But they were skin and bones. I just can't understand why they didn't scream their little heads off 2 weeks ago like the others. Maybe because the other 2 were starving (the vet confirmed this) and the 2 I found tonight were not. I knocked on some doors looking for the owner of the mama cat with no luck. Finally the super kind hearted animal loving neighbor Bill down the street just scooped them up and said "I'll handle it from here!" It won't be his first adoption, and I know that he will do the right thing.
I'm struggling with the question of whether or not I should have taken them out of the den. She must have been feeding them some or they wouldn't have lived. But it doesn't look like she is feeding them enough, and what happens when they get bigger - assuming they live that long. It's been close to 100 degrees every day for the last couple of weeks here. I can't take care of 2 kittens right now (you'll have to just trust me on that one), and I sure don't want more strays in the neighborhood. I'm going to make sure they get taken care of...a good home and the treatment at the vet that every animal deserves. Since they are older than the first 2, I'm pretty sure that they can thrive on bottle feeding. I'm trying to talk myself into knowing for sure that I did what I should have done. I may have to sit here and have this self talk for a while though, before I stop worrying.
I may end up needing to help with these 2 again after all, but at least I have an ally. And the both of us are going to keep looking for mama's house so that I can have a talk with the owner. I'll even pay for her to get spayed myself.
13 years ago
I did the right thing Val. I wouldn't wait on finding the owners. I would call the Animal Shelter in Euless and grab a safety trap and catch the momma so she gets the medicine & care she needs at the shelter and if she is lost, the owner will go looking for her. That way she is off the streets and stops getting prego all the time. Saves the neighborhood and it is free. You just pay a deposit and get it back once you bring the trap back. If you catch her, then you just call them and they come pick her up. You can do it. Their number is 817.685.1592
yhzdfioHa...I meant YOU did the right thing! Haha..I also did the right thing by catching these neighbors cats as well. Maybe I am still telling myself that in my head. Buon Giornos's soon....
Sorry to hear about the kittens. It makes me so sad to hear stories like that. I've enjoyed reading your blog, hopefully we'll see you guys soon!
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