Friday, August 1, 2008

Someone I Admire

One of the many special dogs rescued in Tennessee last month. All pictures in this post by Bernie at A Place to Bark with her permission.

I have been following Bernie on Twitter, and reading her blog. You can follow her here. I REALLY admire her, and just want to say it out loud here on my blog! If you are the least bit inclined to support a good cause for the humane treatment of animals, her shelter "A Place to Bark" is a great place to support. It does my heart good to read and keep up with what she is doing. She recently volunteered at the big puppy mill rescue in Tennessee. You can read about that too on her blog. Here are a before and after picture from one of the many many dogs rescued. All I could think about was my dog Mavis when I saw this little one on her blog.

Anything we can do to prevent this kind of mistreatment will help. Volunteer, donate money or supplies, even talk about it to others. I for one am going to do my part. Won't you too?

Thank you Bernie!

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