Sunday, July 12, 2009

Elvis has left the building.

That's what I'm calling him. Elvis, the larger owlet, and I'll think I'll call the other Costello. They left the nest box sometime between dusk Thursday and dusk Friday. I'm betting it was late Thursday since I was out watching them till around 10pm.

They are roosting way up in the top of our Cypress, so It's been tough to get good pictures during the day. Last night a little after dusk mama owl coaxed them down with food but it was too dark by then to get any pictures. I did enjoy sharing the whole feeding experience with Fred and Joanne, and especially little Elise. She calls them the Portuguese name for owl "mocho" (Fred is Portuguese). Over and over she would say "mocho, whoo whoo". It was very sweet!

I'm a little sad that my nest watching days are over, but very glad they made it.

Credit for the photos in this post go to April. She has been great with her 21 year old eyes in helping me spot the owlets so high up in the tree.


Fred said...

Elise loved seeing the owls live-in-person last night and the pictures here this morning :^)

Renate said...

Great pictures. He is so fluffy! I am bummed to miss it but hope you get to see him hang around for a little while longer. When does the fluff go away? Love the names by the way...nice. :)

amarkonmywall said...

These guys are a real hoot. Aren't they impossibly cute when they swivel their heads to look at you? Every day when I go in to check ours (who are progressing nicely in the 'live kill' zone) they all cock their heads in unison to stare at me. I've loved following your nesting season over here and I'm certain you'll be back at it next year. Once they use a box they keep it up.

I will be in St. Pete until the 13th and I would love a chance to meet and visit. I could maybe take you down to Boyd Hill to meet our raptors. Let's e-mail about it.

I just have one question: What color were the CAS high tops? I had a lovely pair of pale mint green...

Val said...

Vicki - the COS shoes were the natural canvas (off white) I am and have always been an earth mama. My friends and family have to make me wear colorful clothes :)

Can't wait to meet you!