Tuesday, July 21, 2009

so long, farewell...

Our owlets have taken up roost somewhere beyond where I can see during the day. I hear them at night, and have seen one hunting after dark, but the day watching is definitely over. This may end up being my favorite photo of the whole season. A very satisfying end result to the long season of watching and waiting.

And here's a little video clip of one of the owlets trying out his wings. So sweet and wobbly! It wasn't long after this before they both flew clean out of the yard.


Fred said...

That's a great picture of Elvis and Costello!
They remind me of Gonzo from The Muppets...

Nandu said...

Goodbye, fuzzy owlets! And fare well!

kenju said...

Hi, Val, Vicki sent me. I love your owlets. I have fawns in my yard.