Thursday, June 4, 2009

not so free food

(gratuitous doglet picture somewhat unrelated to this post)

I dragged the sleepy doglet to Sonic last night for a free float. Like they advertised. I wanted to stick to my plan for losing a little weight this summer and asked for a Diet Coke float. They said no, the special was root beer only. So out of my mouth flies "then give me a chocolate hot fudge caramel pecan mini bundt cake". I didn't want to sound wishy washy so I didn't retract the order. And so I wouldn't appear wasteful, I ate the whole thing. Stupid Sonic people.


Kimberly said...

Swooning over your sweet pup!!!

amarkonmywall said...

lol! I've been eating my way through Chicago ethnic restaurants this moving week, what with a packed kitchen and a need to "stock up" on Chinese calories before returning to St. Pete, where I have yet to find good Asian cuisine. It will definitely be diet time next week. Love your doggie- and your river paddle looks divine. How are your owl babies? I'm missing mine...

Val said...

Vicki - I've seen lots of activity around (in and out of) the nest box, but they only appeared to start using it a little over a month ago. So late for the season I think. If there were eggs laid, we should have owlets soon. My fear is the heat of June and they won't make it. We'll see :)Havn't heard any rooting around in there.

I'll be in Tampa on business in August. Would love to meet for a glass of wine or a coffee!